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The Tracing Qur’an by ibn Daud – Juz 30

This A4 workbook-style portable paperback, shrink-wrapped for protection, is lighter and more portable. Ideal for yourself or as a gift, it features an embossed gold foil cover and 84 pages of high-quality wood fiber paper, perfect for tracing.



We are thrilled to present ‘Juz 30’ of the Tracing Qur’an Series.

This series is designed for anyone with a passion for learning. By tracing the verses of the Qur’an, you can uncover its deeper meanings and treasures. This method equips you with the tools to develop a lasting personal connection with the Qur’an and its teachings.

Embark on this stimulating journey, which begins with the pen—the very tool highlighted in Allah Almighty’s first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

“Read: Your Lord is most Generous, He who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not.” [Surah Al-Alaq 96:3-5]

The Tracing Qur’an methodology restores the pen to its rightful place as a symbol of peace and guidance.

The Tracing Qur’an includes:

A reminder of the importance of engaging with the Qur’an.
The virtues of engaging with the Qur’an through tracing and writing.
A guided approach to tracing or writing the Qur’an.
A tracing, writing, and memorization checklist.
A comprehensive translation alongside a word-for-word translation (The Clear Qur’an by Dr. Mustafa Khattab) to help you understand the Qur’an as you trace.
Practice sheets and checklists to track your progress and prepare to create your own beautiful copy of Juz 30.
About The Tracing Qur’an Team: Ibn Daud of Ibn Daud Books has collaborated with Azkar Elsheikh Obied, an Architectural Designer, Irfan Chhatbar of Brandboard Creative, Mawlana Amaan Muhammad, a graduate of Darul Uloom Leicester and student of Shaykh Ayyub Surti, and Mustafa Abid Russell as Editor. Ammaarah and Muhammad Ali Parekh also contributed their support to produce Juz 30 of the Tracing Qur’an Series.

We pray that Allah SWT accepts our intentions and grants abundant rewards to the team in this life and the hereafter. Ameen.


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